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They are the children’s film characters loved by generations of fans, rich or poor, across the world. 他们是儿童电影中的变装,深受寰球各地一代又一代东谈主的喜欢,岂论是宽裕仍是浮泛。
But the Seven Dwarfs, Bert the chimney sweep in Mary Poppins and others have been criticised for sending out the wrong message about poverty. 然而有东谈主品评七个小矮东谈主和《应许满东谈主间》中的扫烟囱者伯罕见变装就穷东谈主方面传达了短处信息。
卡通色图Good-natured Bert, played by Dick Van Dyke, is too happy and carefree given the hardships of working-class life in Edwardian London, US researchers claim. 好意思国参谋东谈主员指出,迪克·范·戴克扮演的和缓的伯特,在爱德华时辰伦敦工东谈主的贫困生存条目下,不免发达得太过快乐和飘飘欲仙。
And the Seven Dwarfs – even Grumpy – would not be singing cheerfully at the prospect of working all day in a mine. 七个小矮东谈主,包括“坏性情”小矮东谈主,无时无刻在矿场挖矿,他们根底作念不到昂然肠唱歌。
Other Disney movies, including Aladdin, The Lion King and 101 Dalmatians were also criticised for making poverty appear benign and climbing the class ladder seem an easy thing to do. 还有《阿拉丁神灯》、《狮子王》和《101只雀斑狗》等迪士尼动画片也受到了攻讦:这些电影将浮泛的生存跟走马看花,穷东谈主似乎难得宝贵就能成为表层阶层。
Researchers from Duke University in North Carolina looked at 32 films, many of them from Disney, that were rated G – the American equivalent of U – and had grossed more than $100million (£68million) worldwide. They put the characters into classes based on their job. At the top are upper class characters – royalty, chief executives and celebrities. 来自加利福尼亚北部杜克大学的参谋东谈主员不雅看了32部影片,大部分出自迪士尼,级别为G(在好意思国额外于U级别,即长幼齐宜型)。这些影片辞寰球边界内赢得的利润超过了1亿好意思元(约6800万英镑)。它们把柄变装管事来分散阶层。最高阶层是精巧社会的变装,如王室、总裁、绅士等。
The working class have jobs like soldiers, sailors, miners and sweeps. The lowest category is the jobless poor. 而工东谈主阶层的管事有士兵、水手、矿工、扫烟囱者等。最低的阶层是休闲的穷东谈主。
Their analysis showed that in most cases the main character is wealthy and the majority of the cast are either upper or upper-middle class, meaning that poorer sectors are under-represented. 分析清晰,一般情况下,片中的主角都很宽裕,大大量属于表层或中表层阶层。这么的情况下,穷东谈主变装就少了。
The depictions of working-class people are also unrealistic, the researchers said, as nearly all ‘perceive their jobs as invigorating, fun’. In Mary Poppins, Bert sings that ‘as a sweep you’re as lucky as can be’. 参谋者线路,影片对工东谈主阶层的姿色也不尽写实,因为实在系数工东谈主都合计我方的职责十分兴味兴味、让东谈主精神舒服。在《应许满东谈主间》中,伯特唱谈:“成为扫烟囱者是何等运气!”
The study says: ‘Bert, like other characters, frames working-class jobs as devoid of difficulties.’ 参谋东谈主员说谈:“正如其他变装通常,伯特合计工东谈主阶层的职责飘飘欲仙。”
Many children’s films, it adds, ‘suggest that social class inequality is benign, as those at the bottom of the class ladder suffer little, lead relatively stable lives, and experience many advantages’. “好多儿童电影把社会阶层不公的表象轻柔化,在电影中社会底层的东谈主莫得灾荒,生存冷静,平正多多。”
Unlike in real life, upper-class lifestyles are often the ones depicted as under more threat. 还有与施行生存迥乎不同的是,影片中表层社会东谈主的生存时常充满危急与勒索。
Disney’s Aladdin is taken to task because of a scene in which Princess Jasmine and the impoverished title character compare their different backgrounds and conclude they both have hard lives. 迪士尼的《阿拉丁神灯》还有一个场景备受攻讦:贾斯明王子和穷苦的阿拉丁的社会配景明明迥乎不同,终末他们的确得出论断:两东谈主的生存都很深邃。
Working-class lives in children’s movies are often portrayed as so fun and cosy that rich people will voluntarily go down the class ladder to join them, the researchers say. Poor people are portrayed as happier too – in The Sound Of Music, humble former nun Maria teaches her upper class employer how to love his children. 参谋东谈主员指出,在儿童电影中,工东谈主阶层的生存时常被姿色得舒坦而充满乐趣,致使连富东谈主都会自降身份加入穷东谈主的戎行。穷东谈主也显得快乐万分:在电影《音乐之声》中,曾作念过修女的玛利亚身份卑微,但她的确会去教身份立志的老板怎样爱我方的孩子。
The study concludes that, overall, children’s films make poverty and class distinctions seem like a case of the lower orders getting their ‘just deserts’. It says the films make class divisions seem ‘legitimate by erasing, downplaying, and sanitising their effects – by portraying poverty and inequality as benign’. 参谋论断是,总体来说,儿童电影对浮泛和阶层别离的演绎就像是基层东谈主都得到了应有的奖惩。电影将阶层分散合理化,它们抹去了阶层分化的影响,将其跟走马看花地发达。贫富和敌我矛盾不再机敏。
It adds that this ‘erases, downplays or sanitises poverty and class inequality, implying that poverty and inequality are not particularly problematic as few people suffer from them’. 这么的演绎还默示着浮泛和不对等根底不是问题——因为实在没东谈主因此遭罪。
take to task: 驳诘;品评;找费劲 just desert: 应有的奖惩,应得的报应 sanitise: 使清洁
英文开始:逐日邮报 译者:叶霜艳 审校&剪辑:丹妮亚洲桃色网